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Tarot Tuesday's

Tarot Tuesday's is a themed art series I've run on Twitch for over a year now, every Tuesday a new tarot card is talked about and then slothified. All the major arcana are finished, and now the minor arcana are getting the slothy treatment.

The Fool - 0

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Aquarius, Uranus and the Air element Youth, new beginnings, free spirit, optimism, innocence

The Magician - 1

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Gemini, Virgo, Mercury and the Air element Creation, manifesting, willpower, intention, focus

The High Priestess - 2

In a yes or no question - MAYBE Relates to Virgo, the Moon, and the Earth element Intuition, mystery, inner voice, wisdom, patience

The Empress - 3

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Taurus and Libra, Venus, and the Air element Motherhood, nature, fertility, self love, compassion

The Emperor - 4

In a yes or no question - MAYBE Relates to Aries, the Sun and the Fire element Fatherhood, authority, structure, discipline, control

The Hierophant - 5

In a yes or no question - UNSURE/MAYBE Relates to Taurus, the Earth and the Earth element Tradition, conformity, morality, ethics, religion

The Lovers - 6

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Gemini, Mercury, and the Air element Partnership, union, duality, choice, emotion

The Chariot - 7

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Cancer, the Moon and the Water element Direction, journey, determination, control, movement

The Strength - 8

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Leo, the Sun and the Fire element Bravery, inner strength, confidence, instinct, patience

The Hermit - 9

In a yes or no question - MAYBE Relates to Virgo, Mercury, and the Earth element Contemplation, inner guidance, search for truth, meditation, wisdom

The Wheel of Fortune - 10

In a yes or no question - YES! Relates to Sagittarius, Pisces, Jupiter and the Fire element Change, cycles, inevitable fate, seasons, luck

The Justice - 11

In a yes or no question - MAYBE Relates to Libra, Saturn and the Air element Cause and effect, clarity, truth, karma, balance

The Hanged Man - 12

In a yes or no question - MAYBE Relates to Pisces, Neptune and the Water element Release, martyrdom, surrender, rest, sacrifice

The Death - 13

In a yes or no question - NO Relates to Scorpio, Pluto and the Water element End of a cycle, rebirth, beginnings, transformation, change

Temperance - 14

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Sagittarius, Jupiter and the Fire element Moderation, patience, finding meaning, fairness, healing

The Devil - 15

In a yes or no question - NO Relates to Capricorn, Saturn and the Earth element Excess, materialism, playfulness, addiction, self-destruction

The Tower - 16

In a yes or no question - NO Relates to Aries, Mars and the Fire element Upheaval, pride, disaster, uncertainty, revelation

The Star - 17

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Aquarius, Pluto and the Air element Hope, faith, rejuvenation, inspiration, energy

The Moon - 18

In a yes or no question - NO Relates to Pisces, Jupiter, Neptune and the Water element Secrecy, illusions, dreams, anxiety, unconscious

The Sun - 19

In a yes or no question - YES! Relates to Leo, the Sun and the Fire element Joy, success, celebration, positivity, optimism

Judgement - 20

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Scorpio, Pluto and the Fire element Reflection, reckoning, awakening, growth, self-help

The World - 21

In a yes or no question - YES Relates to Libra, Saturn and the Earth element Fulfilment, harmony, completion, peace, wholeness

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